Using the embed player

The Ignite Video Embed Player

Besides using the API to retrieve and upload videos, you can also use our ready to use embed player.

1. Player iframe URL

You can either copy/paste the html iframe snippiet from a video edit page or create the iframe URL yourself, following some simple rules. First you need to construct your base embed URL.

Your base URL:



2. Configure the player

You can configure the behavior of the player by adding query parameters to the URL. Here are the available options:

controlsShow or hide the control bartrue / falsetrue
loopLoop the videotrue / falsefalse
mutedStart the video mutedtrue / falsefalse
autoplayStart the video automaticallytrue / falsefalse
fullscreenAllow the video to be played in fullscreen modetrue / falsetrue
fitChange how the video is fitted inside the playercontain / covercontain
colorPrimaryChange the primary color of the playerhex color code (e.g. ff0000)D90B5A

Example query parameters:


3. Creating the iframe

Create an iframe element in your HTML and set the src attribute to the URL you constructed in the previous step. It's important to set some styling attributes to make sure the player looks and behaves to your liking.

  style="width: 100%; max-width: 100%; aspect-ratio: 16 / 9; height: auto;"

Live Example

Here's a live example of the player in action: